
Atle Melø

Atle Melø


Atle har betydelig erfaring med skatteplanlegging og skatterådgivning i internasjonale skatteforhold, blant annet i forbindelse med skattemessig inn- og utflytting fra Norge.



Advokat/Partner, Melø

Advokatfullmektig/Advokat, Deloitte

Høyskolelektor/foreleser i skatt og forretningsjus, Handelshøyskolen Trondheim

Høyskolelektor/foreleser i skatt og forretningsjus, Handelshøyskolen BI

Universitetslektor/foreleser i forretningsjus, NTNU


Master i rettsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo


Have had the pleasure of getting help from Atle since 2014. Always clear and comprehensive. Never in a hurry. Thoroughly satisfied.

KlientGoogle review

Atle is an excellent tax consultant who possesses a deep understanding of tax laws, regulations, and knowledge of the tax system. He provides accurate and up-to-date advice.

KlientGoogle review

Atle helped me navigate a rather complicated emigration process. He gave me excellent advice and took care of all the paperwork. He was always quick to respond to emails and happy to answer the dumbest of questions. I would highly recommend!

KlientGoogle review

Used Atle Melø and his services for years. Highly recommended.

KlientGoogle review

Atle always showed great service, expertise and excellent communication. Definitely recommended, and will be using his services again in the future!

KlientGoogle review

Excellent highly professional service and customer care, precise explanation of the taxation system and related nuances.

KlientGoogle review

I have used Atle for tax advise. He came well prepared and gave very concise advice. I will not hesitate to use him again.

KlientGoogle review

Quick and competent service for complex tax questions in Norway.

KlientGoogle review