Home » Law Firm Melø » Expertise » Tax » Prosessbeskrivelse – skattemelding
Process description
Tax return
Initial contact
We are contacted for a specific need. We receive initial information and stipulate a scope of work.2
Assignment confirmation
We provide you with an assignment confirmation stating the agreed terms for completing the assignment.3
Altinn-access (digital government dialogue)
We provide you with a simple description of how you can allow us access to Altinn.4
We ask you a few questions to acquire an overview of your situation.5
We send you a draft tax return. We, accordingly, then make any adjustments based on your feedback.6
On approvement of the draft tax return, we will submit the final tax return to the Norwegian Tax Administration on your behalf via Altinn. The initial deadline is April 30, however, we may apply for an extension to May 31, should more time be necessary.7