About Melø

Carrying on with tax as our spear point

We are a business law firm situated in Trondheim and Oslo. We provide high-end expertise in the fields of tax and international taxation, as well as other areas of corporate law.

Who we are

Long-term support

Most of our clients have been with us for many years. We like to think this is due to our ability to add something of extra value. It may be anything from merely responding to a specific query, to becoming deeply involved in solving larger and more complex issues. The common denominator is always their awareness of our capabilities.

International network


Through our unique global network we are able to work together with other lawyers and advisers in questions regarding domestic tax rules and other rules outside of Norway.

Har snakket med mange advokater, men få har gitt meg så presis hjelp.

Client in Google review

Rask og helprofesjonell, meget dyktig og etterrettelig.

Client in Google review

Proff, grundig og med øye for detaljer.

Client in Google review


We are a member of the International Fiscal Association.


Tel 73 52 44 10

Office address
Havnegata 9
Pirsenteret entrance no. 2

Postal address
P.O. Box 1206 Torgard
7462 Trondheim


Tel 22 83 40 40

Office address
Fridtjof Nansens pl. 4
0160 Oslo

Postal address
Fridtjof Nansens pl. 4
0160 Oslo